UncategorizedJanuary 10, 2018by Talia Morris2Three Reasons to Choose a Diploma over a Degree

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Are you deciding which qualification to choose? Are you a professional seeking a career change? Or are you just wanting to upskill and enhance your education?

Completing a University Degree isn’t the only option you have in order to get qualified. If you’ve already completed your uni degree, you probably don’t have the time, money or energy to go back and get another bachelor’s degree. If you’ve just finished school but don’t want to follow the general consensus that you must go to University, we’ve got some other options for you.

Completing higher education and upskilling has hit a record high, like never before. According to the ABS (2016) 46 per cent of Australians aged 15 years and over now hold a post-school qualification. The equates to 9.6 million people. These figures have increased by 46 per cent from 2006.

According to AIHW, Higher education and vocational education students are most likely to be enrolled in a non-school qualification at the ages of 20-24 (46% of the population), followed by those aged 15-19 (27%), and 25-29 (19%).

Be Trained by Barringtons provides a range of Government subsidised* and affordable courses for a range of professions. The Hospitality Industry has deemed popular for individuals seeking career change, due to their employment being impacted by Covid-19, or as an industry to commence employment after school. Completing a Hospitality Skills Set course is a great step in the right direction. You’ll learn the necessary skills for operating a bar, providing excellent customer service, attain your RSA and RCG, learn barista skills and more. Find out more about our upcoming courses here: https://www.barringtongroup.com.au/Blog/ArtMID/469/ArticleID/2418/2021-January-Hospitality-Short-Courses

Here are three reasons why you shoulder consider enrolling in a Diploma or other qualifications this year.  


You’ll be Job Ready faster 

This is a no brainer! University degrees require a minimum of three years full-time study, while Diplomas can be completed in 12-24 months. Due to the practical nature of Diplomas, the amount of time you spend learning and completing assessments will be significantly lessened, allowing you to enter the workforce and reap the benefits sooner.

Full-time University actually means full time. Therefore, managing study, casual work, social life and time to yourself becomes quite stressful. Whereas, completing a Diploma at a training organisation provides you with the opportunity to commit less time. This means more time to yourself!

According to the ABS (2020) In 2020, two-thirds of Australians aged 20-64 years (69% or 10.4 million people) had a non-school qualification (a certificate, diploma or degree). Signing up to private training organisations and education providers is becoming more popular as they offer more hands-on experience and customise assessments to fit your workplace.


Higher chance of being hired 

According to the ABS (2020) employment rates were higher for people with non-school qualifications. Diploma or other certificate courses provide you with practical learning experiences to best prepare you for work and in turn, this increases your chances of being hired.

Of people aged 15-74 years with qualifications:

  • 74% were employed in May 2020, compared with 49% of those without qualifications (In 2019 these proportions were 77% and 56% respectively).
  • More men worked full-time (67% compared with 42% of women).
  • Men and women had similar rates of underemployment (9% each), or unemployment (5% and 4% respectively).


Earn more & save more  

University degrees are expensive, with Bachelor degrees costing an average of $15,000 to $30,000 per year. However, Diploma courses can be much more affordable and there are lots of training organisations that cover a significant amount of the courses fee.

On average, people with a Certificate III or IV qualification in Australia are earning $3,200 more than those with a Bachelor degree in their first year out of study. https://collegeforadultlearning.edu.au/7-reasons-people-choosing-diplomas-over-degrees/


If you’re ready to enhance your career prospects with a Diploma course or other Certificate qualifications, browse our courses or contact us today.


Be Trained by Barringtons RTO Provider Number 91397



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